At Woodley Park Tutoring, we provide free tutoring for students in elementary and middle school. Our goal is to provide thorough external academic support for students coming from a variety of communities throughout the DMV. Our tutoring staff is comprised of high school students from Maret School, who want to provide students in the community with an opportunity to receive extra support throughout their academic careers. Each student is provided with one-on-one tutoring sessions, with potential subjects consisting of English, History, Math, Science, and Spanish. We tutor online for maximum flexibility to accommodate the student's schedule. Parents are welcome to accompany their children during tutoring sessions!
The team at Woodley Park Tutoring is composed of high school students currently attending Maret School. All of us are very passionate about the subjects we teach, and we seek to provide the best tutoring experiences possible.

Alec Kong
Hi! My name is Alec Kong, and I’m a junior at Maret School. My favorite topic in school is history, particularly modern history and modern military history, which have been strong passions of mine. I am also part of the Model U.N. team at my school, and I also enjoy attending my school’s Quiz Bowl Club meetings. My hobbies include reading, driving, listening to music, and hanging out with friends. I hope to work for the foreign service in the State Department sometime in the future. As the head of Woodley Park Tutoring, I can’t wait to help students achieve their goals! If you have any questions, please email me at woodleyparktutoring@gmail.com.

Mattias Herrera
Hello cuties! I am Mattias Herrera and I’m currently a junior at Maret School. My favorite subjects are anything to do with science and engineering which are strong passions of mine. I am also part of the environmental committee. My hobbies consist of photography, playing the saxophone, fencing, and learning about languages. I am currently fluent in both English and Spanish. I hope that I can build strong connections with students and help them reach their academic potential!

Ethan Ozan Ozdek Vandivier
Hi, my name is Ethan Ozan Ozdek Vandivier. I am currently a junior at Maret School. I am on the soccer and chess team, and I enjoy participating in the Model UN and Model Congress clubs. I look forward to helping enrich a student's learning experience.
Nikos Ter-Minassian Winkle
Raquel Givens